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meet our leaders

as you navigate your relationship with Christ, we are here to help! 

Senior pastor ​ marc danapilis

Marc is gifted in preaching and passionate about sharing the truth with others so they can truly grow to be more like Christ. He also spends time counseling and is always up to answer any theological questions! He has a beautiful wife, Nicki, along with four kids and a dog. Favorite pastimes include baseball, studying Greek, and hanging out with his family!



krystal kotesky

Krystal is very creative and always has a smile on her face! She is ready to help others find Jesus and focuses on connecting them with Jesus and others, along with communications on our media platforms! She is the one to contact if you are wanting to get more involved within the church! Her pastimes include hiking, disc golf, photography, playing guitar, and walking her dog, Hunbun! 


worship director
lahart Purkett

LaHart is a very creative guy who has a heart for Christ! He leads our worship at Anchor Church, along with his wife Colinda. He can play keyboard, drums, and leads vocals. He enjoys listening to his many playlists on Spotify and loves a good action movie!




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