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Why give online


Giving online is a little step in the 21st century and we've finally done it!

I'm Krystal and Being a part of Anchor church for 24 years, its encouraging to see us grow in the technology world. Not because we want to be of the world, but in it. We just started the online giving opportunity and I wanted to share why I give online, if you don't mind me sharing something personal on our church blog space.

I always get distracted and try to jam in as many things into one day as possible. With that being said, I don't always have time to fit it all in. During bank hours, I seem to be the busiest. I had the desire to give my tithes, and I did, but i would be rushing to the bank. Not only would I be rushing, but then I would leave my tithe envelop in "special places" until I could make it to church. It was kinda a mess.

When online giving became available (huge thank you to Patricia for making it happen!), I started giving online. Convenience was the initial motivation, but then I discovered another reason why I love giving online. I can take my time with God in the comfort of my home after my morning devotions! Praying over your finances and money before you give changes your heart. It gives tithing a deeper, transformative meaning.

I know money is getting harder and harder to come by these days with gas prices and quick grocery store runs turning into painful experiences for your bank account, but God truly does provide. We shouldn't give out of obligation. We should give because it's an area where God can transform us. We give because we have a desire to obey god with love for him. tithing and giving create a generous heart inside us and fills us with peace knowing if we are obedient, God will bless us and care for us in ways we will never imagine. Tithing also grows a trust in him and allows us to be a part of the works God wants to do through us in our personal walk with Him, but also as the church as a whole.

If you would like to share your story about how god has worked in your life through giving, feel free to reach out to me (Krystal). A lot of times, churches stay away from talking about tithing or only talk about it during thanksgiving time, but if you're a part of the anchor church family, you know Pastor marc preaches outside the "norm". We know how important it is for our relationships in christ to give regularly, so we want to share year around about tithing, giving, and offerings. Believe us when we say, giving changes you.

You don't have to tithe to be a member of Anchor CHurch. We don't require it. We do believe that tithing, giving, and offerings, are between you and god. Ask God what He would like you to do. pray on the amount. God says in His word to Give your Best to him, not the left overs. God truly just wants our whole heart and the love of money can easily take the place of him, if we aren't careful. Hope that makes sense to everyone. If you would like to chat more about what the Bible says about finances, definitely talk to Pastor Marc and He will help direct you to through the Word on the subject of giving.



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