We are happy and excited for those who have decided to follow Jesus!
We believe, at Anchor church, that baptism doesn't save you from your sin, but we do it as a representation of what God is doing in our lives. Demonstrating to others the inward change they have decided to make. it's a lifetime of hard work, but the journey is worth it. Living life with Jesus is the only way to live in peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control. It's these charactoristics that show others we follow Him.
If you would like to commit your life to christ, we would love to pray with you and help you walk the journey of everlasting life alongside you. Following Jesus isn't easy because it takes commitment and goes against what the world chases- fame, money, and personal gain.
There are only two choices of where you will go after you die. In a world with hundreds of ice cream flavors or coffee options, it's sometimes hard to come to the reality. You either follow God or the Devil. Sin looks like a good option or even easier at first, but it will always leave you empty, unfulfilled, and lonely. It leads to destruction. If you are feeling trapped and hopeless, it's time to follow Jesus. You may not have material things, but He provides you with all you need spiritually. Satan may make the path beautiful, but the destination is horrific. Don't be deceived. The Devil is a liar and wants to destroy you.
God wants what is best for you. To protect you and guide you. He loves you beyond any love you will experience here on earth. He created you with a purpose and died in your place so that you could have the option of living forever with Him. He leaves the choice up to us though. It's a free gift to anyone who follows Him. It still blows my mind every time I think about the creator of the universe Died and rose again for every person who decides to follow him!
That's why we baptize. To celebrate God in the lives of individuals who come to Jesus, confess they are a sinner, ask for forgiveness, and make the decision to stop following the world by turning to Jesus. The path that isn't easy, but leads to an everlasting life with Jesus Christ.
Have you been baptized?
what is stopping you from following Jesus?
Would you like to learn more about Jesus?
We would love meeting with you! Visit us on a Sunday Morning or reach out to one of our pastors to grab coffee and chat about the Christian walk :)
Photos below show those who have made the decision to follow Jesus!